Hyderabad-based startup Healpha and its School Health Program conducted a detailed health study by establishing contact with 64,615 parents for a health screening of three to 18-year-olds from Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Maharashtra over 18 months pre-Covid in India.
According to the report, 90 per cent of the children have similar problems related to vital statistics, ENT, and eye problems.
41 per cent of all children suffer from hygiene-related problems in the ear. 39 per cent of children suffer from ear wax related issues reducing their focus on studies, 17 per cent of tested children suffer from BP issues, 9 per cent of tested children are at active risk of one-eyed blindness, 13 per cent of all children suffer from respiratory issues and 22 per cent of children suffer from tonsils.
The Healpha health report card has identified that 5 per cent of tested girls and 4 per cent of tested boys are at active risk of one-eyed blindness due to previously unidentified Lazyeye ailment. Additionally, 10 per cent more of screened children already suffer from Anismetropia which can eventually lead to Lazyeye ailment and potential blindness in one eye.
The number of children suffering from ENT related issues is certainly a serious concern given that the ear hygiene and ear wax related issues can result in hearing loss and infection Perforation issues in the ear over a while.