Why is Healpha School 

India is one of the youngest population countries in the world
but suffers with acute healthcare challenges especially in
children (1/3rd of its population). Poor HAQ health ranking.
Healpha School is the most comprehensive school health program with 100+ parameters covering Head to Toe screening. It is compliant with MHFW, RBSK, CBSE, NCERT guidelines. It uses the state of the art technology like loT. PoC, Al, ML, enabling Faster, Cheaper & Better results.

Acute Health Issues in Children

0 %

Dental Issues

0 %


0 %

Hearing & ENT Problems

0 %

Visual Disabilities

0 %

Learning Disabilities


  • 2% of children are Amblyopic – a common cause of visual blindness, unless treated, can cause (one eye blind) visual impairment.
  • 101 million children under 5 yrs of age are undernourished, 165 million have stunted growth, and 45 million are obese or overweight.
  • 60% of the Children suffer with Dental issues.
  • 30% of the Children suffer from Malnutrition.
  • 46% of the Children suffer from Hearing and ENT issues.
  • 25% of the Children have visual disabilities.
  • 70% of the Children having hearing and visual disabilities suffer from Learning Disability

Comprehensive Check Up







Common Issues of Children

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