The outbreak of COVID-19 has transformed the conventional approach to consultation. The spread of the deadly virus has pretty much confined people to their homes. However, medical urgencies come unannounced. Even if it isn’t an emergency, going to visit a doctor at their clinic doesn’t seem feasible under the prevailing situation. This is where telemedicine comes to the rescue.
Owing to the current scenario, we’re delivering healthcare services to patients in the comfort and safety of their homes. Technology has extensively paved the way to provide ease, accessibility, reach and cost-effectiveness to the masses. Despite that, a significant percentage of the population is still hesitant to opt for teleconsultation. Let’s have a look at some of the common myths acting as roadblocks to telemedicine. Unmask these myths as you continue reading!
- Myth 1: Online consultation isn’t safe
As a patient, your concern for the safety and security of your highly confidential information is entirely justified. With cybercrimes on the rise, not trusting telemedicine with your private medical information seems lucid. If you’ve heard a lot about data and security breaches, you might not trust the virtual care sector completely in the first go.
Nevertheless, reliable and top-notch online medical services at Healpha assure you of keeping your privacy unthreatened. To safeguard your confidential data, telemedicine doesn’t necessitate the use of any mainstream technologies. Online consultation uses platforms that strictly adhere to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 1996. Don’t let this myth cause distress and refrain from considering telemedicine.
- Myth 2: Higher risk of malpractices
A National Law Review study found that not only patients, even some doctors were questioning the elimination of face-to-face patient appointments concerning medical practice liability risks. The standards of care that telemedicine demands are superlative. Factors like the medical practitioner’s liability for a missed diagnosis due to a technical glitch or patients claiming abandonment from the provider once the tele-medication has ended have supported this myth big time!
However, you’ll be startled to know that telemedicine reduces the risk of malpractice considerably. Augmenting the mode of contact for doctors to keep track of their patients, teleconsultation adds another valid documentation proof to your treatment. Follow-up calls and appointment reminders in online consultation services strive to ensure that patients receive holistic care and assistance at every stage. Debunk this myth and opt for telemedicine.
- Myth 3: Compromise on the quality of healthcare
COVID has accelerated the need to opt for telemedicine. Clinicians are facing challenges while trying to manage diverse health conditions online. Patients tend to withhold from teleconsultation because they feel that virtual care compromises quality. Are the online diagnoses effective and equivocal to those done in person? Is there any ambiguity in the novel clinical treatment technology? Do the doctors pay as much attention to the patients’ woes online as they do face-to-face? Queries like these cause a lot of patients to believe that online consultation compromises the quality of healthcare provided.
On the contrary, the actual scenario is nothing like it seems. The online healthcare platform aims at providing maximized standards of virtual care to patients. Medical experts can be consulted anytime and from anywhere. They provide digital prescriptions that include everything from medication to diet to lifestyle recommendations, as the need be. Telemedicine typically addresses the diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of patients, considering their complete medical history. Confute this prevailing myth and choose reliable teleconsultation at Healpha.
Read more: Why Is Pediatric Consultation Important?